Saturday, February 22, 2014

Japan: Last Moments

Today marks exactly a month till my departure from Japan. Japan has been my home in my heart for years, and in all sense of the word this past year. Living here this last year, has felt like being on a retreat. 

I've laughed, learned new things, discovered myself, learned to love myself and gained my confidence back.
I've learned I love living alone, but I hate eating alone. 
I've learned I think children are adorable, as long as they don't come in a mob.

To be honest, the thought of leaving scares mi. Worse than after SIU. I'm not only leaving without a firm plan in place, but the safety, seclusion and tranquility I've come to love about my home. The friends and family I've adopted. And the thought that I won't come live here again. 

But still happy to being visiting the many places lined up. 
Happy to have had all those experiences. 
And mostly happy God saw it fit to let mi experience it all. 

No Regrets. Ever. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nothing but the Sports

Sports festival this weekend -14th. On the green team, which gives mi mixed feelings. Have a lot of my fav students and co-workers on the team, but green is my worst color. Yeah I know its just a color but really, the animosity is deeply routed lol. 
Everyones all jazzed up at school, daily practices, etc. Wish I could participate more lol. The teachers keep asking mi to run and etc. Really wish I could, but for reasons best left untold at the moment, I can't do that. 

All the same I plan on having as much fun as I possibly can....

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Been a Minute

Random message: 
One of my students has a crush on a teacher at school and its the most adorable thing ever!! Festival today, she was dressed in the cutest yukata, had her hair down and curly and etc....but then she was sad cus she didnt get to talk to him for a long time. All the while she was being sad and sulking, I just couldn't get over how adorable she was!! And better yet, he knows....this is about to be a fun semester....

Meanwhile, the jury seems to be hung on the decision regarding the personality of said teacher. While half the school, teachers included, seem to think he is cool/hot/insert other adjectives here (females only), the other half can't stand his guts. 
As expected, my interest has been piqued and I shall watch this fine piece of human to formulate my own opinion....of course, it doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pool and Dinner et al

Yesterday was a fun day (Sorry for the late update). 

Swimming season begins next week, so the teachers cleaned the pool at school yesterday at school. I decided to help :) 
Apparently, that was such a big deal to them - I seem to be doing a lot of firsts for ALTs at that school haha. 
Anyway, I got to wear a jersey for the first time, and went to clean the pool....wait for the rain!! Yup, it was raining all day yesterday. But rather than change the schedule and move the cleaning till....oh idk, today, lol, the PE teachers decided it must be done yesterday.....

So, we all marched, umbrella in one hand and scrubber in another, to the pool. Was quite a bucket of fun, as I had expected haha.
Afterwards, the VP took all those who cleaned out to dinner (yup, the good kids gor rewarded) lol. Had a nice meal of gyoza et al, where I found out everyone else has been thinking I was 30 for the longest....should have included my age in my intro I see....that and I need to get on Vi stat.....but thats for a different location. 

In other news, I got two new students at church!!!! I get to teach privately.... I can't actually explain how or why I am so excited about this, but I am. Been planning lessons for the entire week now lmao....I'd let you know how it goes.

It would be nice to have someone to complain/exclaim to every now and then who reacts in the right manner. The only person thus far is my bff and she's busy of late sadly....

Anyhu, off to go learn Korean lol


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday's Report: Take 5

  They say Monday is the worst day of the week. But for mi, Tuesday is fast gaining ground in that regard. I refuse to have a worst day though, so I just try to look on the bright side all day - no one said that job was extra exhausting.

My Tuesday starts off with a class that insists on saying Isi (my name), instead of itchy. They have an 'Isi-fetish' I dare say. But compared to the other classes, I'd let them pronounce itchy any way the feel. They always have way too much energy, like a 5 year old bunch on speed. 

Next I'm off to a senior class, where my presence is of little to no difference to them - depending on the day, time and people. Once in a while, they do perk up and react as I talk. Its those times I relax a notch. This would have been my favourite class of the day, except for the fact that I always feel like I am on pins and needles around them. 

Drum rolls please, as we flip the coin. 

I'm off to a class where I get a headache even thinking about. The kids are the noisiest bunch on earth, with more ADHD than a properly diagnosed patient (if it were countable). Another fascinating aspect is the fact that they seem to be obsessed with the word 'gay'. Everything, and I mean everything, has gay as its synonym. As far as they are concerned, as long as its an English word, it can also mean gay. 

So after leaving the gay fanatics, I walk into a war zone, where the enemy is as predictable as the Second Coming. This class, as a whole, is bipolar. One minute they are happy, next minute, in a mood. Soon after that, they are mad! Having not decided if they hate mi or just want to ignore mi, their reactions flip back and forth where I'm concerned. Its like I am being bullied in Junior High all over again by boys in early puberty that are just starting to realize girls don't have cooties either! They seem preoccupied with the word 'sex', and occasionally, let that be included in their answers to questions. Its here however, that I sometimes wish I did not understand Japanese. 

So after a day of 'hyper active 5 year olds', 'gay fanatic ADHD undiagnosed kids' and a 'war fighting bipolar class', who can blame mi for saying I'm exhausted afterwards? My only consolation is that I do get to see the rest of the school in between. And my handicapped class, bless their little souls, with the proper diagnoses, are the light of my day as always. Cause regardless of how bad the day has gone, nothing beats seeing their eyes light up and the smile that appears when they see mi walking away from hells gates and say 'Hello!!'

Wish I had someone I could complain to for a bit....since they say talking makes you feel better. 

In other news, the teeth-less teacher at the school purchased a brand new set of teeth!! He finally took the permanent mask off and smiled, smiled, smiled all day today. I couldn't be happier for him. 

Off to bed to pray away this headache.

Till next time.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Welcome :)

Today, two of my co-workers took mi out to dinner (shh, don't tell lol). Both of them make an interesting pair, you wouldn't guess they had things in common haha. But it was pretty fun. We went to an Okonomiyaki store, which I love by the way, and had three different kinds. While eating, I remembered the last time I had Okonomiyaki, I wasn't full - Random thought lol. 
Anyway, we had dinner for about two hours, and talked about the most random things. I admit, at first, going there, I was a little unsure of how the evening would go cause I had no idea what kind of things they were interested in. But the two of them were nice and in the end, paid for my dinner!!

On the way back, the one who dropped mi home asked about Christianity and church and I invited her to church and she said she would come!! She was very excited and asked if it was ok for her to come though she wasn't Christian. Interestingly, this is the first time (church wise) I have wanted to invite people to come to church with mi. And it came so naturally too.... i guess I must be growing up huh??

Work was quite interesting. Regular classes, but in the 5th period, I went to watch the student's power point presentation. 6th period, we had CPR training, which was interesting. The teachers found the mini drama hilarious, and so did I haha. I remember having CPR training sometime in the past, but can't pinpoint when exactly. 

Afterwards, spent about an hour goofing off with some coworkers in the office. Mi and Mr S, next to mi, would make a fine comedy duo I think. And everyone thinks my Japanese is so cute, as usual, and at the same time very Kansai - I guess my reactions and etc - which makes it more interesting lol. 

Needless to say, I loved my job today and thank God for giving mi a smile yet another day.

Now then, need to update Chrome before it crashes on mi lol.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why I Love My Town

The Day:
At 7:30am, the group of doting parents seeing their kids off outside my house tell mi 'itterashai' (have a nice day) as I leave. 
10 minutes from school, across the street from the convenience store, the lady who greets the elementary school kids and helps them cross tells mi good morning. 
2 minutes latter, the constantly smiling man on the bicycle smiles at mi as he rides past, with a 'good morning' in his wake. 
At the last store, Welcia, I begin to see students on their morning run. 
Around the corner, another group of doting parents await the school bus for their kids. They all chant 'itterashia'/ 'ohayogozaimasu' (good morning) as I walk past. 
There are the kids from the other JHS, who, I think, heard about mi from my students. They all say hi/hello/good morning, mid their run. Some stop to tell mi their names/ask for mine. 
There is the one kid who thinks he is super cool (and I do too, sue mi haha), and simply says 'hey' or nods as he jogs past (lmao the girls in his future are in for trouble).
Then there is the kid who asks mi daily if I like spagetti. Can't decide if thats the only English sentence he knows, or if he seriously forgets each time haha.
Of course, the icing on the cake: My kids. Ever surprised to see mi, like they did not expect mi to show up again!! 
They have the loudest and most joyous hellos, some screaming and waving vigorously from across the field.
My day ends with the unanimous 'See you!!' or 'Bye, bye' from the kids as I walk out the gate. 
Sometimes, I meet the bicycle man on the way and he nods with his constant smile. 
On my street, there is some little old lady or stay at home mum who is out and about, and ready with the 'okaeri' (welcome home) as I pass.
I get into my house and count the hours till the cycle begins again, with all the warm smiles.

Whats there not to love about my new home?